I’ll go first…

I think I’m learning that finding peace in flaws and imperfection comes through finding comfort in grace and humility.

In the past I’ve struggled with perfectionism so much! I think that’s part of the reason that I now value vulnerability and authenticity so much... Growing up - particularly in Church - I always felt like I was the only one falling short, the only one who was flawed and imperfect, and I craved someone else telling me that they were too! I even remember making a list of what I perceived as my flaws and listening to a sermon on each one, trying to ‘fix myself’ - as if it was even possible.

When I was seventeen things started to shift - It felt like God just flooded the space and slowly reframed the way I viewed my shortcomings. I fell in love with the verse: “But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9. I started to see the beauty in my chaos, my incompletion, my work in progress, because I slowly started to understand the glory given to God through my flaws. My weakness is a given and the only place I can find strength is in God. In my stress, God shows His peace… In my impatience, God shows His selflessness… In my pride, God shows His humility…

In my weakness, undeserved and unworthy, God gives His grace - a gift so great I can still hardly comprehend it and often don’t lean on it… But His grace covers that too.

I think, for me, comfort has come from humbly approaching God and accepting His grace, knowing that He still loves me in spite of all my weakness.


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