“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” — Psalms 139:14 NIV
a thought about a little clay angel I made when I was fifteen.
trigger warning - this film references eating disorders.
Something I wrote in my notes app recently…
I’ve often wondered what I would say to my younger self or someone else struggling with an eating disorder… I think I’d say ‘I’m so sorry for all the things in your life that made you feel like your looks, your weight, your beauty is the most interesting, most valuable, most important thing about you.’ I’d say ‘People won’t write about your thigh gap, your abs or your waist measurement in your birthday cards… They’ll write about your heart.’ And I think I’d ask, ‘What do you want to be known and remembered for?’
I’m learning that true beauty is absolute. It isn’t subjective, it’s intrinsic - whether the eyes of ‘beholders’ see it or not… And I pray to have eyes that see what my maker sees, and a heart that accepts it as truth.