The heart of this project is to create a space for vulnerability and give people room to share their testimonies and what they’re learning… So I thought I’d share a few things I learned whilst creating this space!
Vulnerability is scary
When I was thinking about the impact I wanted to make through film and creative projects, I knew that I was passionate about authenticity and wanted to create a ripple effect of the closeness that comes from being vulnerable. But it wasn’t until I actually started to create and share my project that I realised the very thing I wanted to encourage was something I find intimidating!
I started reading Brené Brown’s book, Daring Greatly (I haven’t finished it but I definitely recommend!) and she talked about how sharing your creativity is an act of vulnerability.
“... to put our art, our writing, our photography, our ideas out into the world with no assurance or appreciation — that’s also vulnerability…Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.” (Daring Greatly, Brené Brown).
Since reading this, I’ve looked at creativity in such a different way. It holds so much more depth to me now. I admire everyone who shares their creative pursuits with the world… it’s courageous!
2. to be prayerful whilst editing
Whilst editing one of my videos and chopping out bits and pieces of conversation, I felt like God spoke to me and said, “These words might be for someone else.” I’d usually edit based on what I found encouraging or inspiring, but it wasn’t until that moment that my perspective broadened to who God wanted to speak to. I’m still learning how to be guided by Him in the process, but it was something that I found really powerful to consider.
3. to be mindful of my ego
A lot of what drives my fear associated with being vulnerable is the worry of how people will view me. Even now, writing this, I feel self-conscious and awkward because of the thoughts of what people reading might think. It feels too vulnerable! But that’s where I’m learning to put my ego aside and remind myself that it’s not about me, but about following God’s call on my life. I’m very bad at doing this - the amount of times I’ve just being vague and dumbed down my heart for this project shows it! But I’m learning to shift my perspective and remove myself from the equation.
I am far from ‘good’ at doing all these things. They are things I am still learning and will probably continue to learn more about as I keep working on this project. I’m excited and scared (because again, this all feels way too vulnerable) but the sense of purpose I feel in being vulnerable will always outweigh the fear.