I’ll go first…
I think for me it’s often the assumption that my friends don’t struggle, or have never struggled, with the things I’m experiencing… I really value vulnerability and often challenge myself to be super honest about my struggles with people I’m close to - and sometimes I think I’m good at it - but I’ve recently realised that I actually just beat around the bush of vulnerability. I’ll share things about my life that I’ve found difficult but then turn it into a joke or back out in some way… The things that actually feel the heaviest are the things I’ll make light of. It’s like I dip my toe in and then yank it out and wipe every little bit of vulnerability off with a towel. The vulnerability of actually admitting to finding something hard feels too awkward and quiet and I don’t want to bring the mood down… It’s like I want to pretend that nothing ever affects me - or maybe I feel an expectation to be happy and light all the time and the people-pleaser in me doesn’t want to disappoint anyone. It feels even scarier too when you’ve never been vulnerable with a friend - suddenly spilling your heart out about all your baggage can feel like too big of a culture shift.
I’m still figuring out the whole vulnerability thing to be totally honest - how to actually be truly authentic and transparent about my battles. I crave the close connection that comes from being vulnerable but it definitely takes courage to get there. I’ve been feeling encouraged though through taking small steps… praying for there to be a moment to be vulnerable and for the bravery to take it… starting small with one friend… and realising that everyone craves deep and close community - they want someone to help carry their burdens too and the scariness is always worth it.
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